4 Robotics Programs That Will Have Your Child Hooked in Elkhorn, NE
In this day and age, it’s practically impossible to not be confronted with automated technology left, right, and center. With our growing reliance on technology and digital infrastructure, there are a lot of people interested in using robots to further our interests, increase efficiency, and exert greater control over our world’s resources and networks. There’s […]

Best After School Enrichment Program in Elkhorne, NE
With the new school year just around the corner, parents are starting to think about how to keep their children’s mind and bodies active after the school day officially ends. After school enrichment programs provide many benefits for kids. These programs are proven to boost academic performance, reduce troublesome behavior, encourage physical activity, and provide […]

Fun Ways for Your Scout to Earn STEAM Badges in Elkhorn, NE
Joining Girl Scouts allows for your child to excel in many different areas. Becoming a scout allows for your child to influence the world around them while building confidence, courage, and character– All skills that benefit your child as they grow into adulthood. Girl Scout badges are a great way for your child to explore […]

A Playdate That Grownups & Kids Will Love in Elkhorn, NE
Ahhh the playdate- an important right of passage for both children and parents. As parents, playdates have become an important part of our everyday lives. Not only do they offer tons of benefits for children, but they can also give parents some much-needed adult interaction, or if another parent is hosting your child, a few […]