In this challenge-focused program, your student will begin to develop their computational thinking skills by playing with modular, robotic cubes known as Cubelets®! Imagine this – every way your student snaps the magnetic cubes together creates a unique robot, but what really matters is how they figure out the perfect robot recipe to solve a challenge. They will work in small teams to figure out how to create lighthouses, racer bots, wheelie bots, goofy animals, and so much more! Is your student ready to play and tinker all day with Snapology?
- Problem solving and inventiveness are encouraged through play
- Enhance teamwork, communication, and collaboration skills

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Each Snapology offers a different schedule of classes, camps and workshops. Explore the Snapology closest to you to see what is being offered near you. You can also learn more about custom programs for your school, group or party.
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Interested in STEAM classes for your child? Find classes available near you and options for custom programs.