As the summer season quickly dwindles down and the new school year approaches, it is important to make sure that both you and your child are properly prepared for the school year.
Yes– pencils, paper, backpacks, and lunch boxes are a great way to prepare for the back to school grind, but it is extremely important to mentally and physically prepare your child and their home environment for the upcoming school year.
To ensure that you and your child are well prepared for the upcoming school year we have provided a list of tips to kick-start off the school year on a positive note.

Get Back into Your Sleep Routine
Getting back into a proper sleep routine is a great way to prepare your child for the school year while also eliminating those erratic mornings. You should begin getting back into your school sleep routine no later than the week before school starts.

Reestablish School Routines
Routines are an extremely important component of going back to school. Prepare your child by practicing the rhythm of their school’s daily routine. This should begin a week or so before school starts. Wake your child up at the same time. Feed them a normal school year breakfast at the same time they will be eating when school begins. Plan activities during the same time that the school day starts and ends. This will ensure that your child is prepared for the normal school day.

Set Up a Homework Station
Find a designated area in your home that you and your child are both comfortable using to complete homework every day. The area should be quiet, organized and free from distractions. Letting your child choose some desk supplies and decorations for the space will help them get excited about using it!

Cut Back on TV, Video Games, and Technology
For many children, the summer days are filled with seemingly endless hours playing with their favorite devices. When the school year comes around, many children are left in shock when they are cut cold from their devices. Start preparing your child now by by turning off their devices and encouraging them to indulge in outdoor activities, reading, and playing with friends.

Refresh and Review School Materials
During the summer season, it is quite easy to get behind or even forget some of the material your child learned before school let out. Most teachers send children home with summer packets and material to review for the upcoming school year. You can refresh your child by completing the materials provided or by doing a quick Google search of your child’s learning age + materials, to find online activities to refresh your child’s memory for the upcoming school year.

Take Your Child Back to School Shopping
As a parent, we know just how much of a hassle it can be to bring your child shopping with you. It seems to be so much easier to just quickly pick up their back to school clothes, supplies and materials by yourself, but there are many benefits to having your kiddo should tag along. By bringing your child shopping you are making the back to school process exciting. You are also allowing for your child to help pick out supplies and outfits that they like which can go a long way during the school year. If you are an online shopper, have your child sit down and pick out supplies with you while you look online.

Have Fun
Most importantly, remember that just because school is back in session does not mean that the fun has to stop. Make the process fun. The beginning of the school year should be anything but dreadful for your child. Set boundaries, stay organized and maintain a proper balance of fun.