Random Acts of Kindness Day falls on February 17, but we think kindness should be shared every day of the year. We’ve pulled together a list of 50 random acts of kindness that you can start crossing off with your kids today, or any day you feel inspired to practice being kind!
1. Hold the door open for someone
2. Give someone a compliment
3. Help someone do their chores
4. Ask someone how you can help them
5. Smile at everyone
6. Help make dinner
7. Take out the trash
8. Pick up litter
9. Say thank you to a helper
10. Draw a picture for a friend
11. Donate unused toys or clothing
12. Check in on an elderly neighbor
13. Make someone laugh
14. Volunteer at a local organization
15. Make treats for friends or classmates
16. Write a letter to a loved one
17. Make your bed
18. Return someone’s cart at the grocery store
19. Tell someone why they are special to you
20. Let someone go ahead of you in line
21. Sit by a new student at lunch
22. Push in someone’s chair
23. Give someone a high five
24. Recycle
25. Share your toys
26. Tell a parent why you appreciate them
27. Call a distant relative
28. Clean up a mess you didn’t make
29. Write a nice message with sidewalk chalk or in the snow
30. Make a list of things you’re thankful for
31. Play with a new student at recess
32. Make a card for your teacher
33. Hug someone
34. Write a thank you note
35. Say hi to someone new
36. Encourage a student
37. Share a snack
38. Water the plants
39. Walk the dog
40. Help someone with homework
41. Make friendship bracelets
42. Decorate and leave a kindness rock for a stranger
43. Invite someone over for dinner
44. Help with a sibling’s chores
45. Let your sibling choose a game to play together
46. Be kind to yourself €“ make a list of your own best qualities
47. Set the table
48. Feed the birds
49. Read a book to someone
50. Tell your family members that you love them