Looking for a day camp that will build science, technology, engineering, arts, and mathematics skills? Our STEAM Camps deliver and they’re also loads of fun for your child. While they’re building and creating, they’re also developing teamwork skills, expanding problem-solving techniques, and growing a foundation of knowledge that will help them for many years to come.

boy shows off lego camp project

Why Choose Snapology STEAM/STEM Camps?

Where Learning MeetsFun!Asset 1

At Snapology, we have a passion for all things STEM, which is why our camps are one of our most popular offerings. When school’s out, our camps and workshops are here to provide your child with a fun learning experience.

Camps & Workshops Available Year Round! Find a Location to Check the Schedule. 

The Summer Camp Experience

Time at a Snapology summer camp is a summer well spent. We create a fun and collaborative environment for your child where they get to explore some of the topics they will encounter in the future, both in and outside of school.

Our STEM summer camps are the perfect introduction to the world of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. We also offer other educational camps that help your children explore STEM skills. Learn more about Snapology Camps:

No other summer camps can match the Snapology experience when it comes to learning & fun!

Why are Snapology Summer Camps So Fun?

Kids Learn Through Play!

Your child will be surrounded by kids their age, engaging in activities with some of their favorite toys. They’ll hardly even know they’re learning because all our activities are designed to be fun. We believe in learning through play.

Our STEM camps are led by experienced and nurturing instructors who go the extra mile to ensure your child feels comfortable and motivated. The skills they learn will give them the best chance of success at school and in their careers.

We also use innovative tools during each session to help your child realize their unique creations and concepts.

If you’re searching for STEM camps near you and want to provide your child with a summer or school break they will never forget, choose Snapology.

kids enjoy stem summer camp at snapology

STEAM vs.STEMAsset 1

Now that you’ve started exploring STEM activities, you may have come across variations of this popular acronym – STEAM.

The ‘A’ in STEAM refers to the arts and educators from across the globe have recognized the important role of artistic expression in increasing a child’s chances of success in other STEM subjects.

“Art helps us see connections and brings a more coherent meaning to our world.” – Ernest Boyer, President, Carnegie Foundation

Art-based activities can pave the way for other STEM concepts, providing students with a more diverse view. Art also serves as a motivational tool and encourages creative thinking, which is how innovation is born.

STEAM is picking up steam in many schools and systems, but questions arise: How does including art advance STEM? How can art and STEM truly help each other?

Whether your child is interested in technology, civil engineering, science, or robotics, art will help spark something in them and help them bring their ideas and creations to life.

Why STEM Learning?

“Education is the foundation for your future, STEM education is the leveler for all to be successful in the future needs of humanity.” – Ian R. McAndrew, PhD

The Rise of STEM Education

The concept of STEM was first introduced in 2001 by scientific administrators at the U.S. National Science Foundation (NSF).

STEM refers to science, technology, engineering, and mathematics, key disciplines that form the foundation of some of today’s leading careers.

You may think that these subjects would only be beneficial to high school students, but this isn’t the case – younger children and middle schoolers can benefit too. The earlier you can introduce your child to STEM disciplines, the sooner they can develop a fascination with everything these fields represent.

Benefits of STEAM/STEM Summer Camps

Our STEAM/STEM summer camps teach the basics of these fields and contribute to improvements in your kids’ grades when they’re back in school. There are many benefits of sending your child to STEAM camps at Snapology. Here are some of the skills that STEAM/STEM Learning can build:

Innovative and Critical Thinking

In a world that thrives on innovation, children need to know how to think both critically and innovatively to succeed in their future careers. STEM promotes these thinking abilities by encouraging problem-solving during projects that are all linked to the real world. Your child will start looking at and analyzing things in new ways. Whether computer science, engineering, or mathematics, STEM teaches children how to think outside the box.


Curiosity comes naturally to kids, but STEM will get them curious about more than just their everyday passions. STEM summer camps encourage children to ask questions about their environments, sparking their interest in new and exciting topics. A curious child is one who wants to keep learning and exploring, which is invaluable. Developing a love for learning now leads to big things later on.


Your child’s imagination deserves a space to thrive. As much as STEM is focused on cultivating essential skills for the future, it also ensures your child is putting their imagination and the resources around them to good use. A child who isn’t scared to be creative is one who will be more willing share their ideas with the world without fear of judgment.

kids work on stem camp project

Collaboration and Teamwork

To succeed and excel, children need to know how to collaborate with others. Some of the world’s most impressive research, engineering structures, and scientific achievements were not achieved alone – teamwork was a big part of it. STEM summer camps require learners to work on complicated projects together, teaching them the value of teamwork. What’s more, they get the chance to build life-long friendships along the way.

confident girl with lego stem project


When your child can challenge themselves and showcase new skills, it automatically boosts their confidence. This confidence is something they can carry over into all other situations in their lives and well into the future. STEM summer camps will also teach them that it’s okay to make mistakes and that trying again is possible and can be fun. The more skills your child learns, the more their confidence will grow.

Preparation for the Future

Summer camps that incorporate STEM concepts are some of the best ways to prepare your child for a future in a lucrative career. The current average salary for STEM employees is around $95,420. When compared to non-STEM-related careers, this is about 58% more. Careers in STEM-related fields are also set to grow by 10.8% until 2031. A Snapology summer camp has the potential to steer your child’s future career in a positive direction in one of the most fun ways possible.

Explore all our Snapology locations to and find all the fun, educational camps available near you.

Discover the Snapology Approach to Learning

All our programs are built based on proven research, and we know that when kids enjoy learning, their full potential is unleashed.